Is there any example of cyber war during the Russia-Ukraine war?

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28, Männlich

Beiträge: 3

Is there any example of cyber war during the Russia-Ukraine war?

von Nadya am 05.08.2022 10:50

At the beginning of the invasion, Russian cyberwar specials shut down as many banks and hospitals and government offices they could for as long as they could. Luckily, there were better anti-cyberwar specialists around the world who helped Ukraine get things back online quickly. Then..... the same people who helped Ukraine turned their sights on Russia and are still shutting things down or stealing information about Russia today. The cyberwar is just as volatile and vicious as the physical war, we just don't see it much.



29, Männlich

Beiträge: 1

Re: Is there any example of cyber war during the Russia-Ukraine war?

von Shpietz am 05.08.2022 12:01

Hi! This is actually a very painful topic for me, because I have a lot of relatives living in Ukraine and some even in the occupied territories. To answer your question directly, examples of cyber war with russia are: Hacking a government website, hacking banking systems. Also an example would be blocking the accounts of some people from the government and so on.


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