How to detect affiliate fraud?
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How to detect affiliate fraud?
von genry am 04.06.2023 13:33Howdy, folks! I've been promoting products for these supposed "partners" of mine, but something fishy is going on. I've noticed a significant drop in my earnings, and when I reached out to a few of the customers I referred, they claimed they never received their purchases. It seems like my partners might be engaging in some shady affiliate fraud. Has anyone else experienced something like this? How did you detect it, and what steps did you take to resolve the situation?
Re: How to detect affiliate fraud?
von harryss am 04.06.2023 14:31I've been in the affiliate marketing game for quite a while now, and I've come across my fair share of scammers and fraudsters. In situations like this, it's essential to do some sleuthing. Look closely at your referral stats and check if they match up with the actual sales or conversions. If you notice a significant discrepancy, it's a red flag. Now, reaching out to your customers and verifying their purchases is a smart move. If they haven't received what they ordered, it's a clear sign that something is amiss. Make sure to document any evidence you gather, such as conversations with customers or suspicious activity on your affiliate dashboard. In my own experience, I once encountered a similar situation, and I reached out to the company I was partnering with, BluePear. Their customer support was incredibly helpful. They listened to my concerns, reviewed my data, and provided guidance on how to proceed. They even had a blog post about affiliate fraud that was quite informative. You might want to check it out at for some additional tips and insights.